Dr. Zibbs. Say that name to yourself out loud. Doctor Zibbs. Kinda makes you shiver a little bit doesn't it? Yeah, me too.
He decided that he was going to let two people interview him and held a grueling elimination process. I persevered through mud gnats, bull gonads, quicksand and toothpicks and finally received the grand prize. I was selected as one of the interviewers.
Unfortunately, my sanity was still missing during this time so I don't necessarily take any responsibility for my questions. Unless you like them, then they are totally mine.
After I met all of his Michael Jackson-esque demands for layers of black sheeting and multiple entrances so I would not get a chance to lay eyes upon the actual physical being of the Zibbs, he allowed these questions.
1. Since you don't want anyone to know what you look like and swear those you have seen you to secrecy....are you a sufferer of bad skin or leprosy? My skin is fine. As are my beautiful looks. The reason I don't reveal myself is because then I wouldn't be able to write anything I want on my blog. Also, because I like to torture people. And lastly, because I like to see the reaction of people when they finally meet me.
2. If you were stranded on a desert island and had to choose one of these two people to be with you, who would you choose? Alex Trebek or Pat Sajak? Trebek. Because it would be more fun to torture him. And he probably makes a better coconut creme pie.
3. If there is a speed of sound and a speed of light, is there a speed of smell? Please give an example. There is a speed of smell but it depends on what was eaten within the past hour.
4. If you got cheated by the Better Business Bureau, who would you complain to? Tom Bosely. He seems very fair. And remember when Richie and Potsie lost the money in the poker game and he won it all back? Yeah. You remember.
5. What is the right height of a mini me? This big.
6. If you woke up tomorrow and had an new accent, what accent would you prefer? Any. As long as it was super duper loud.
7. If you woke up tomorrow next to a woman with an accent, which accent would you prefer? Italian
8. If a bunch of yaks jumped on top of each other, would it still be called a dog pile? It's actaully called a grup. They do that sometimes to protect themselves from predators. For real. Naaa. I just made that up.
9. What would you choose to eat for a last meal? Crawfish au grautin over top of a rib eye. And maybe human.
10. If you had to stuck for a solid month with a bitchy woman with a great body or a hilariously funny woman with saggy boobs, who would you pick and why? Depends if I thought I could seduce and tame the bitchy woman. But I'd rather spend time with a funny woman with the saggy boobs as long as she didn't have a butterface. (Shawn here: Can't imagine why I came up with THAT question! ::snort::)
11. (Bonus question) When am I going to see a scowling blue yak peering at me from my followers party pit? Once this gets posted. (Oh, yeah..and there it is! I'm a happy saggy-boobed woman now!)

And there ya go, your little tidbit about Zibbs. One of these days I'll let you around me. The woman that was around Zibbs. Heh.
Heh, heh... You are a fun gal---and from Kansas? My hubby's family lives in Kansas!!
Hey, hey!
Thanks for visiting my blog---I will have to check in now----there is also another Shawn---she is on my blog list---found her on SITS.
Crazy, huh?
Dammit, I just used 'grup' in a pub quiz yak-pile question and we lost :(
I have never heard of this Blue Yak guy.. but I think I'm in love.
Uh oh Kel, be afraid, very afraid!
I don't have any idea who Zibbs is but I like his answers.
The don't know who Dr Zibbs is...Oh that is rich.
Great interview!
I'm doing my best to expose my little part of the blog world to you Oh Great Zibbster.
I don't know who this is either but I'll *snort* in unison with you. Girl, you are so crazy! When are we going to have a get-together? And where the Hell is your deadbeat sister Tammy?
That Zibbs sounds like a real freak.
Snooty! Let's track her down, meet at her house and drink margaritas and laugh until we pee our pants!
I'm SO on for that!
Fine work!! I tried for the interview, but my boobs weren't saggy enough. I'm working on it.
Hi it's me - Dr Zibbs...just checking in to see what people are saying about me.
I'm ashamed to say that I, too, am unacquainted with this Dr. Zibbs character. Maybe I need to investigate...
This was very funny, btw, although the kind Dr. got upstaged by that photo at the end. Yikes!
Great interview! As a long-time fan of Zibby, I was so eager to see his real face. Alas. But you did a good job getting him to say some personal stuff.
Now, I just have to change my accent to Italian!
Gawd, that Zibbs is one strange cat, huh?
Tell me, Shawn, did your ferns die after he left? I think he may have spit tobacco juice in mine.
Ummm, Zibbs is coo-kee.
Hi...Zibbs sent me...I honestly don't know why I do what he says...but I liked your interview! Good stuff!
ps...I love your background too! Cool!
Does he do jokes?
Zibbzee is one scary mothahumper. But the tabloids say he has a killer ass.
Nice questions! And we all know its better to blog and think when slightly intoxicated. On that note...GOOD JOB!
Laughing my butt off--the questions & answers were great!
quite interesting article. I would love to follow you on twitter.
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