Sunday, April 5, 2009

What's in a name?

Would a rose by any other name still smell as sweet?

Okay, that's about the extent of my poetry but it leads me to this. Several of you have wondered about my name change. I used to be 'numberonesistah' and then I switched over to Shawn.

I was having an identity crisis. I do that sometimes. Usually when that happens I end up getting divorced and moving to another state and starting all over again. (Over-react? Moi? Surely you jest.) But this time I still kinda like the man I'm married to so it manifested as a bloggy name change.

Numberonesistah came out when I was just a lurker. You remember those days...the days before we made the great plunge head first into the Sea of Blog. The days we just crept up to the water and would dip a toe in with a comment now and then.

I started lurking on my sister's blog, The Color of Home. I'm her oldest numberonesistah was born. Welll..I have since surpassed her in followers. What? This isn't a followers contest? Oh, hush's my blog, it can be a followers contest if I want it to be! So there.

It turns out that once I started blogging, I kinda used hers as a measuring stick. She's blogged for over a year and is hilariously funny and has 24 followers I think. I've been blogging a few months now and just hit 31. I know that shouldn't mean a darn thing but I have this warped little competitive streak that pops out around my family. Something about being the oldest perhaps...I don't know. Probably never will know since I gave up therapists a long time ago in favor of sarcasm and wine. Works much better for me.

Lo and behold..identity crisis. She's rarely blogging anymore. Numberonesistah was from lurking on HER blog. So one day...I just became me. Unfortunately, I just put my own name down. Those of you that read me know that I'm a bit of a ::cough:: smartass ::cough:: That was the best I could come up with?!

There are so many monikers out there I could have chosen! Crooked Dog Leg. Bat Shit Shawn. (Trust me, I heard 'shit, Shawn' a LOT while I was growing up.) I could have gone exotic, Bubbles Galore. Or realistic...Queen of All I Survey!

But I'm just Shawn. Shawn just kinda popped up there and I heard Meredith from Gray's Anatomy in my head. "Pick me. Choose me. Love me." So I did.

Update: Waaah! 30! I lost somebody. Wha..wha...what did I say? Gawd, I hope I don't turn into one of those women that show up at someone's workplace with snot and mascara running down her face wondering why she isn't loved anymore. Thank goodness I got some more wine the other day.


Anonymous said...

You are such a crack up. I'm happy to be one of your followers but try not to lead us astray.

ChiefChick said...

Hey, girlfriend! Are ya thawed out yet? Love the blog - keep it comin'. Oh and what the hell is up with number three sistah? Have we lost her to FB? :)

Jen said...

thanks for clearing that up. I was wondering.

Shawn said...

Bwahahaha...I love setting the blog worlds mind at ease regarding my name change. I'm sure all of you were having trouble sleeping because of it!

I don't know what is up with #3. I don't even think she's been FB'ing that much either. I think the ghosts got her.

Nosonew said...

#3 is ... well, remodeling the house. It's crazy. Today we moved the furniture back up that we moved downstairs before. Also, we put up the new light in the dining room, cleaned windows, cleaned woodwork, moved the piano, etc, etc...

I don't have time to do anything. LOL!

Nosonew said...

p.s. I like your name change... or you could have done Hawnie! LOL!

hermomsometimes said...

Hey Nosonew you are #2 not #3 LOL

Shawn said...

Ha! I thought she meant that #3 was with her! I was gonna get all pissy cause she didn't tell me she was gonna be around! LMAO!

Skogkjerring said...

I don't really care about the followers part..I think when you make a blog you are doing it mostly for yourself anyways..if you get followers COOL! I have like..7 I think and I've been blogging since last fall...but who cares?? BUT...I understand the family as long as you have more then your sister...that is what is most important right?? Yeah, I was a little unsure of the name change..but figured I'd just go with it..saw your smiling face and figured you were one and the same..
Really hope you never turn into one of those runny snot, runny mascara women...that mental picture was NOT pretty girl!!!!
Have a great day and remember to count your everyday blessings and not your followers... ;-)) My humble advice from the middle of the big woods in Norway...

Staci said...

You do have a bunch of followers! I don't have that many - too many of my regular readers are my family and they don't really know what the heck this blog stuff is all about, so they don't know how to follow. Once in a while they'll comment or, the majority of the time, they just call me. Now you know why I keep the blog "clean"...!

Sassy said...

You are seriously too name is one I ALWAYS wanted to have changed....hated it my whole stinkin' life....and my blog is seriously for my own cheap really has been a hubby and children are still alive!

Kathy B! said...

I like Shawn! And I'm glad you changed your blogger identity and not your husband!! So much easier and less complicated this way.

And try looking under the couch cushions... that's where I usually find my lost followers :)

Hit 40 said...

My sister and I are also blogging. You add me then I'll add you. This goes for all of you reading this comment! So, far, I am kicking my sister's butt!! In her defense, she has young ones that take too much time. Mine are older!!! So excellent!!!! You are going done sis ;-)

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